You're Not Alone: Getting Support After a Miscarriage

Up to 25% of clinically recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage — that’s nearly 1 in 4. Although miscarriage is common, it can still come with a stigma. People are often hesitant to talk about miscarriage, which can leave you feeling like you’re going through it alone.
Experiencing a miscarriage is physically and emotionally challenging, and it isn’t something you have to suffer alone. The loss of a pregnancy is painful, but not talking about it with trusted loved ones and your doctor can make it even harder to grieve.
Daniel McDonald, MD, Marc Wilson, MD, and our team at OB/GYN Specialists are here for you. Whether you need medical care or you’re looking for emotional support, we offer guidance for helping you get through the days, weeks, and months after a miscarriage.
Be kind to yourself
When it comes to miscarriage, there’s no right or wrong way to feel. Some women experience an immediate sense of loss, while it takes time for other women to process their feelings.
Take your time as you move through the grieving process. It’s OK to grieve a pregnancy that miscarried in the first few weeks, just as it’s OK to grieve a late-stage loss. Do whatever helps you to honor the loss, whether that’s giving the baby a name or holding a memorial service.
Don’t put pressure on yourself to act or feel a certain way. If people give you unsolicited advice about what you should do to move on, do your best to ignore what’s not helpful. Remember that whatever you’re feeling is fine, and reach out for help if you experience symptoms of depression.
Reach out to family and friends
Remember that everyone feels the impact of loss differently, but you aren’t alone. Your partner, family members, and friends are also affected by the miscarriage. They might not know how to comfort you, so they may avoid talking about it.
But finding the strength to share your experience with others can give you a sense of community. Leaning on others for support helps you move through the grieving process and allows you to relieve some of the pain that comes along with trying to handle it by yourself.
Seek expert care
If you notice changes in your pregnancy or you suspect a miscarriage, contact your OB/GYN as soon as possible. Early-stage losses may not require medical intervention, but seeking expert care ensures your health is managed.
Late-stage miscarriages may require a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure to remove excess tissue from your uterus.
At OB/GYN Specialists, our team is committed to providing compassionate care during and after miscarriage. We focus on preventing hemorrhaging, infection, and other possible complications of miscarriage, while prioritizing your emotional well-being.
Our entire team understands the physical and emotional toll that miscarriage takes. Psychological support is available for you at every step of the way, and we can perform extensive workups to determine the cause of your miscarriage.
Our team is here for you, no matter your goals for the future. If you’re ready to grow your family, we can make recommendations for preventing miscarriage in the future and help you have a future healthy pregnancy.
Find emotional and medical support for miscarriage at OB/GYN Specialists. Call our office in Denton, Texas, at 940-202-0566 or send the team a message online to learn more.
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